Monarch Candidate Guide
Downloadable PDF linked at bottom
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors has deemed these guidelines as acceptable practices, which will promote
fairness, assure a healthy and positive campaign for all of the candidates, and meet the needs of
this corporation and the organizations that support it. The Board has given the Candidate
Coordinator the authority to assure that all candidates adhere to these guidelines.
This document is meant to be used as a source of information to clarify the candidacy process.
These guidelines are not part of the bylaws that govern the United Court of Austin. This
document is not meant nor does it supercede any regulation that is specifically stipulated in the
bylaws of this corporation. The bylaws specifically cover the eligibility and application process
for candidacy and should be referred to for this information.
Campaign Staff
The candidate may select an individual to serve as their campaign manager. The candidate may
also obtain additional staff to assist with the campaign. Campaign managers and staff can be
anyone from within the organization or the community at large. The candidate, the campaign
manager, and the staff are all subject to comply and adhere to all of the bylaws and guidelines that govern or clarify candidacy. Campaign managers and staff are bound by the same code of conduct as the candidate. Any infraction by a candidate, a campaign manager or a staff member will result in immediate disciplinary action, which may include disqualification of the candidate.
During the application process
Once candidate applications are submitted to the Board of Directors at the general membership
meeting the review process begins. During this period and until Candidate Announcement,
candidates, managers and staff are prohibited from campaigning in any form or fashion prior to
this date. Campaigning is defined as (but not limited to) public announcements, statements,
posters, cards, flyers, or the dissemination of any type of promotional materials. Candidates,
managers, and staff are allowed to speak privately to any member of the College of Monarchs, the Board of Directors, or the Campaign Coordinator about any topics relating to candidacy or their campaign. These conversations are considered confidential and should not be made public by either party. A Candidate interview will be conducted by the Board of Directors at which time the candidates will draw numbers. This will become the candidate’s official presentation number.
The candidates will be presented at all activities and functions in this order, up and through the
night of Coronation.
Candidate Announcement
The annual event known as Candidate Announcement marks the official commencement of the
campaign. Campaigning as defined in section IV is not to begin until the candidate is officially
sashed and presented. The campaign manager (if any) will be responsible for presenting the
candidate’s poster. Below is a listing of requirements for candidate announcement:
The candidates are required to provide a presentation of some kind of entertainment during announcement. It is suggested that the candidate be a part of this presentation, which will not exceed seven (7) minutes total.
B: Announcement Poster
• Size – at least 11”X 17” and no larger than standard Poster board size
• Contain a photographic image of the candidate at least 3”X 5” in size
• State Candidate’s name
• State Candidate’s moniker
• Identify office that the candidate is seeking (Emperor or Empress)
• Identify the name of the organization (United Court of Austin, Inc.)
• Coronation information (date, time, and location)
• Voting information (date, time, and location)
• The poster must not contain any lewd or obscene subject matter
Campaign and promotional materials
Candidates will be provided with a sash designating their official acceptance as an aspirant to the
office of Emperor or Empress of the United Court of Austin. The aspirants are required to wear
the sash at all Official Court Functions and State Functions of the International Court System.
Failure to comply will result in immediate disciplinary action, which may include disqualification
of the candidate. Sashes will be returned to the candidate coordinator on voting day at the opening
of the polls. If the sash is damaged or lost, the candidate will provide a $50.00 fine (cash or
money order) to cover the cost of replacement at the opening of the polls.
All campaign pieces must be approved by the Candidate Coordinator prior to distribution.
All posters that will be used for campaign and used for public view must contain the same
information as the Announcement poster with the following exceptions:
• Poster must be no larger than 11” X 17”
• Poster may or may not contain a photographic image of the candidate
Candidates are not limited in what they may produce for campaign pieces, but all promotional
materials must contain the candidate’s name and identify the office that the candidate is seeking.
Keep in mind that some pieces may be considered intrusive or a nuisance by various
establishments. Prior approval for the dissemination of such pieces must be gained from the
owner or manager of any establishment.
Candidates are required to produce one fundraising event during their campaign for the 501-(C) 3
Charity of their choice. The fundraiser can be individual or jointly produced by the candidates.
Since the fundraiser (s) will be an Official Court Function, all candidates will be allowed to
campaign, be presented and/ or perform at such events.
Campaign parties, gatherings or other events may be conducted by the candidate, their staff or any
other person(s) for or on behalf of the candidate. Such events must not be within 4 blocks of the
polling place except in the case where the location is the candidate’s personal residence. If the
event is a fundraiser, then the rules listed above for a fundraiser will apply.
On voting day, Candidates and/or their announced and recognized campaign manager will review the ballots, tally sheets, and/or any other materials presented by the election committee prior to the opening of the polls. Candidates or the campaign manager will sign a statement attesting to having witnessed all materials.
Candidates and/or campaign manages will then be allowed to cast their ballots. Upon completion of this vote, the candidates and/or campaign managers will remove themselves from the location of voting and will not be within 100 yards of the location of voting until 15 minutes prior to the closing of the polls. Campaigning within 100 yards of the polls is not permitted. Only your campaign poster (Only ONE) may be displayed in the designated area next to the polls.
Candidates and/or the campaign manager will return to the location of voting 15 minutes prior to the closing of the polls. DO NOT enter the (poll) voting area until the close of voting. At this
time the election committee will instruct the candidates and/or campaign manager of their duties to finalize the election process and certify the ballots and election. Failure to appear for these duties by either the Candidate or Campaign manager may result in the disqualification of the candidate.
(The reason for the absence of both the candidate and the campaign manager will only be forgiven in the event of a catastrophe or emergency).
Appropriate conduct:
• Present themselves and the Court in a positive manner at all times
• Adhere to all by-laws and guidelines
• Notify the management of any and all establishments before actively campaigning
Inappropriate conduct:
• Disparage or negatively campaign against another candidate
• Campaigning while incapacitated due to ingestion or consumption of any mind-altering
substances including alcohol. Exceptions will be made for prescribed medications, as long as
they do not alter the state of mind in a negative manner.
• Present themselves in a manner unbecoming the office for which they aspire
Once candidacy has been made official at candidate announcement, the aspirant will relinquish
any title that they currently hold. Only perpetual titles will remain intact such as Monarch or
Lifetime titles. In either case, the only title that the candidate may use during campaign and until the end of Austin’s Coronation is “Aspirant to the Throne of the United Court of Austin”.
Coronation Weekend
Candidates are required to purchase and place a full-page ad in the program for the United Court of Austin’s Coronation Ball. Candidates will host or co-host the bar/bus tour on Friday night. The candidates are required to provide a presentation of some kind of entertainment during Coronation.
It is suggested that the candidate be a part of this presentation, which will not exceed seven (7)
minutes total. A production number containing 3 or more people is suggested but not required for this event. All candidates are required to present themselves in attire appropriate to the office which they seek, during the bus tour and at Coronation. If you are seeking the office of a male or female persona then you must present yourself as such, during these two events. Candidates should be aware that should they aspire to the position of a Monarch and win election to said position that the candidate (at that point the Monarch Elect) at their own expense must provide an appropriate crown to be worn after they complete their reign. The crown must be presented to the Board of Directors prior to the re-crowning ceremony during their Coronation at which they step down.
Due Process
All candidates, campaign managers, or campaign staff who have a grievance of any sort during
campaign shall first present it to the Candidate coordinator who has First Rule. If the results are
unsatisfactory, the candidate may appeal to a Special Election Committee. This committee is
formed by creation of the Board of Directors and will consist of 1 representative from each of the
candidates campaign staff (candidates are not permitted to serve), and 3 or 4 members of the
Board of Directors, whichever will constitute and odd number. All decisions by this committee
are final.