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History of The United Court of Austin

Reign I


The Reign of Unity & Pride

The United Court of Austin, Inc. was born in 1994 as a result of many community minded individuals coming together bound by the mutual desire to help our brothers & sisters less fortunate than ourselves.  The seeds to start an Empire in Austin began in 1992, sprouted in 1993, and soon withered.  New life was breathed into that ominous beginning as a labor of love from all over the State of Texas when all of the existing Empires came to our rescue.  Once back on our feet and ready to go again, five members of the original cast set out to “make it happen” in Austin.  We incorporated, wrote and adopted bylaws, and got our 501(c)3 status.  Two sets of Monarchs were put in place for Reign I to reflect the “United” Court – Emperors I, Colton Courville & Garry Holley and Empresses I Jackie O’Dare & DeShannon.  The Reign was flying high with maximum exposure across the state, however, due to a conflict of interest, DeShannon resigned from her position as Empress I.  The remaining three continued and stepped down with “Masks Around the World” June 17, 1995.

Lifetime Titles

Grand PaPere for Life – Colton Courville
Grand MaMere for Life – Jackie O’Dare
Grand PaPere for Life – Garry Holley
Crown Prince for Life – David Pearson


HMRIM Colton Courville: All UCA College of Monarchs Emperors will wear a head crown at In-State Walks at Coronations.

HMRIM Jackie: All UCA past Monarchs still active and in good standing will gain free admission to Austin’s Coronation.


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Reign II


The Reign of Faith, Hope & Charity

Reign II began with Empress I, Jose, The Widow Norton crowning Emperor Garry Holley & Empress Billie T –the first elected Monarchs of the United Court of Austin, Inc. The first official act was Investitures which was an all day event beginning at M.C.C. followed by several mini shows at three clubs.The main goal of this Reign was community awareness, interaction and acceptance of UCA as a viable 501(c)3 vehicle for improving the quality of life for people living with HIV/AIDS or breast cancer.  We were rolling along smoothly with many inroads being made as planned and lots of money being raised.  Unfortunately, Billie T decided that her resignation was in her best interest.  Garry continued on to finish the Reign as Absolute Emperor II.  The idea of commercial memberships was born and became a reality with clubs and organizations joining our efforts, thus achieving the interaction dream.  The awareness goal was evidenced by UCA being awarded with the “Col. Bob Collins Humanitarian Award” for the year.  The acceptance was obvious through the tremendous amount of money we gave back to our community.  The reign was extended two months due to hotel availability.  “An Imperial Evening at the Palace of the Pharaoh” brought Reign II to an end.

Lifetime Titles

King Father for Life – Col. Bob Collins


The event known as “Candidate Announcement” is dedicated to assisting the stepping down Monarchs with the cost of stepping down pins.  If pins are not purchased, the monies will go to their chosen charity.



Reign III


The Reign of Odyssey

Reign III began in August of 1996 with the Crowning of Emperor Bobby Barnett & Empress Loni Thomas.Reign III ended with the Coronation IV “A Starlight Express” in August of 1997.

Lifetime Titles

Imperial Crown Prince for Life – Eric Wilbur
Crown Prince Royal to Reign III for Life – Rudy Rohan




Reign V


The Reign of Love & Courage

Reign V, being dubbed The Reign of Love and Courage, named so to represent each of the new monarchs, got off to a fast start after the crowning of Emperor Bob Hemby & Empress Cecilia Martay.  They were the first monarchs to present to their line of succession a membership handbook at the organizational meeting, which included line responsibilities, protocol, a history of The United Court of Austin, and a calendar of events planned for the upcoming year.The monarchs had several goals which were of great importance to them.  They first wanted to increase the visibility of The United Court of Austin in our community, throughout the State of Texas, and within the International Imperial Court System.  Collectively, the monarchs attended over 25 coronations. Also, wanting to be a very active force in raising funds for Austin charities, many fundraising events were conducted including two weekly and one bi-weekly fundraising events.  Finally, the monarchs wished to bring together various aspects of the Austin GLBT community and were very visible within the City of Austin within the bars & organizations, as well as attending charity functions other than those produced by the United Court of Austin.The monarchs also brought Club Skirt, a monthly fundraiser by women, for women, which was one of the largest regular fundraising events in the City of Austin to the corporate membership of UCA.  By bringing Club Skirt under our umbrella, the presence of gender females within the Court was raised.In August, 1999, Emperor Bob & Empress Cecilia presented Coronation VI “The Greatest Show on Earth” as an end to the Reign.  Coronation VI saw one of the largest crowds ever of an Austin Coronation.  Several local businesses and organizations walked in Austin for the first time, the perfect cap to a successful year.  The monarchs made it a point to thank and recognize all of those who helped make Reign V a success, from an outstanding line led by Female Line Member of the Year, Bebe Hughes, and Male Line Member of the Year, Bobby Birchmier and to the very active College of Monarchs led by Monarch of the Year, Alix Courtnie.

Lifetime Titles

Princess Royal for Life – Dame Celicity Cash
Queen Mother for Life – Dorothy Jean Montgomery


HMRIM Bob: 15 % of all monies raised during the official functions of The United Court of Austin will remain in the general fund to produce the annual event known as Coronation.  Remaining funds will then be distributed to the charities chosen as beneficiaries of Coronation.




Revised, Remixed & Revisited

Reign XXVIII was a year of growth and community building for The United Court of Austin. The First Emprex in Texas, Ffire Stone, and Empress Talor Brooks Stone set a goal of bringing the court forward while keeping traditions alive. Their different style of Investiture set the tone for the year as the first ticketed investiture event Austin had hosted, and they successfully expanded the court’s reach beyond the Austin City Limits. The Empress and Emprex participated in many events beyond just those hosted by the United Court of Austin which contributed to raising over $110,000 for charitable organizations within the realm of The United Court of Austin during their reign. They also built many relationships with dignitaries outside the court’s realm, traveling to over 14 coronations during their single year.

The reign finale, “Coronation XXIX – A Night at Cinderella’s Castle Where Wonders, Magic, and Dreams Come Alive” was held on August 12,2023 with a record breaking 36 court chapters represented.  At Coronation XXIX, Ffire was Recrowned and Dubbed Emprex XXVIII Ffire Stone the 1st, while Talor was Recrowned as Elected Empress XII and Empress XXVIII. Reign 28 raised over $68000, the second-largest reign total for a single year to date.

Lifetime Titles

HMIM Talor:  Imperial Prince for Life – Rick Hall 

HMIM Ffire:  Imperial Princess Consort for Life – Galore St. Stone 

Sibling Court and Protector of the Emprex for Life – Imperial Sovereign Queen City Court of the Buckeye Empire – Ohio


HMIM Talor:  Talor will provide a state shield crown to all future reigning Empresses and Emprexes; however, Empresses and Emprexes may wear any silver crown with clear stones. 



Reign VII


The Reign of Growth & Devotion

Reign VII got off to an interesting start with the crowning of Empress Bebe Hughes at Coronation and Emperor Bobby Birchmier stepping up the next morning at brunch.  This interesting unfolding was due to the hospitalization of Bobby with appendicitis.  This truly would be an interesting year as the Empress threatened to make all the decisions at brunch, prompting the speedy release of the newly elected Emperor from the hospital to make his grand entrance that very morning.We were off to a running start with Ft. Worth Investiture and Club Skirt Fundraisers within two weeks of Coronation.  After the success of Reign VI, there was a big challenge.  The monarchs were very proud to invest eighteen new line members at Investiture.November brought even more light to the Reign with the addition of even more new members and shows at Dick’s Déjà Disco.  The court also brought home “Best Production” from the Dallas Coronation.  The monarchs were intent on making their goal somehow.  They decided to add 3 awards for Coronation that would be determined throughout the year: Most Creative Benefit, Most Innovative Benefit and Most Fundraising Benefit.During this reign, we suffered the loss of Empress I and Co-Founder of the United Court of Austin, Jackie O’Dare, which was a very sad time for those that were close to her.  We celebrated her life with a memorial service and show at Rainbow Cattle Company which brought in visitors from around the state.

Lifetime Titles

Brother for Life to HMRIM Bobby – Johnny Valencia
Crown Prince Royale to Reign VII for Life – Rudy Rohan




Reign VIII


The Reign of Unification, Determination to an Unlimited Destination

Reign VIII began in August 2001 with the crowning of the seventh elected monarchs of The United Court of Austin, Emperor Dwight Arnold & Empress Ima Hoot.  The monarchs were very busy throughout the year.  Highlighting the Reign were The Austin Babtist Women’s annual signature shows, The Disco Ball, Emperor Dwight’s annual Hard Candy Christmas Show, The USO Cabaret Show, and many other unique and fun events.  The UCA made a splash by appearing in Austin’s First Gay Pride Parade in many years. We raised our visibility within the State of Texas and throughout the International Imperial Court System by attending many Coronations and events. The UCA received several recognitions during the Reign including Brother Court to Colorado Springs where we also took home the awards for Best Production and Best Person in Theme.  From Houston, we received Best In Theme, From Dallas, Best Production.  We continued the tradition by reaching out to other organizations.  Empress Ima spoke at the AIDS Candlelight Vigil, and personally worked with Interfaith Care Alliance to produce Dinner with David.  Emperor Dwight was also very visible by producing several events and performing in most of the UCA shows. During Reign VIII, The Austin Babtist Women were honored with Entertainer of The Year by Ambush magazine, and were presented with the prestigious Jose Honors Award.Reign VIII came to a close with Coronation IX, “The Crystal Ball, A Frozen Fantasy.”  The monarchs created a frozen fantasy land complete with cool colors and red hot entertainment from throughout the International Court System.  Unique entrances were a hallmark at this event.  The monarchs were thrilled to welcome such a large crowd to Coronation IX.

Lifetime Titles

Crown Prince Consort for Life to HMRIM Dwight – Tommy Garcia
Imperial Crown Prince for Life – Randy Stubblefield


HMRIM Dwight: 10% of the net proceeds of each Coronation will be held in a travel fund for the stepping up monarchs to use throughout their year for any court related travel.  Any funds remaining at the end of the reign will be distributed to the charities designated as beneficiaries of Coronation.

HMRIM Ima: Court members shall be able to earn points as defined by our bylaws for participating in approved events of other charitable organizations.



Reign IV


The Reign of Mythical Dreams and Legendary Futures

Reign IV began with the crowning of Emperor John Cummings & Empress Alix Courtnie.  The first order of business was investing the Line of Succession for Reign IV.  The year was filled with many fundraisers and charitable events.  The United Court of Austin attended every Texas Coronation, receiving “Best In-State Walk” in both Corpus Christi and Dallas.  Austin was also represented at several out of state coronations including Toronto, San Francisco, Reno and Denver, just to name a few.After a long hard year of fundraising, the fruits of our labor had paid off. The primary beneficiaries for the Reign were Pediatric AIDS League, Breast Cancer Resource Center & The HIV Wellness Center, who received the proceeds from Coronation V and the balance of account funds.

Coronation V, “A Night of Mythical Dreams & Legendary Futures,” was held August 15, 1998 at the Airport Hilton.  After a wonderful evening of entertainment and court walks, the community had made its choice among 6 candidates, the largest number of contenders for one year in Austin’s history.

Lifetime Titles

Crown Prince for Life – Mel Mills


HMRIM John: Emperor John will produce the Victory Show on the Sunday following Coronation to be known as “His Majesty Presents Their Majesties”.  Proceeds from this event will go to the charity of the stepping down emperor’s choice.

HMRIM Alix: Annually, Empress Alix will present the David O’Quinn Theatrical Award at Coronation, recognizing excellence in the Arts




Reign IX


The Reign of The Dream of Diversity, The Power of the Promise

United Court of Austin Empire residents cast their ballots electing the first lesbian Emperor and first African American Empress to serve as the monarchs of Reign IX.  Longtime members Leigh Bray Rockhopper and Topaz began their monarch duties with an organization meeting wherein the first fundraiser of the reign as well as Investiture plans were solidified.  Dick’s Deja Disco was dubbed the court’s Home Bar with the Emperor naming the Rainbow Cattle Company as the Emperor’s Corral and Chain Drive as the Emperor’s Garage (Where He Hangs His Tool Belt).  Empress Topaz named ‘Bout Time as her Imperial Palace.Emperor Leigh and Empress Topaz selected Wright House Wellness Center, Project Transitions and Women Rising as recipients of their charity benefits.  Member unity was at the forefront of the reign with members planning and executing a float entry in the annual Austin Pride Parade, efforts rewarded with recognition by the Pride Parade Committee awarding the United Court of Austin winners of the BEST FLOAT award.  This reign was also first to enjoy corporate sponsorship provided by the Stoli Corporation which donated prizes and money as official sponsors of such court events as the monthly Court Jester contests, pool tournaments plus donating the ingredients for Mona’s Notorious Jell-O Shots. During the Coronation of the Central Texas Empire UCA Reign IX was presented the President’s Award.  The monarchs traveled to various out-of-state coronations and were delighted their Imperial Crown Prince Gregg D and Imperial Crown Princess GiGi LaRouge also attended out-of-state coronations expanding overall coverage of the circuit.  Emperor Leigh with the Imperial Blessing of Empress José I, created Castle Rockhopper and Empress Topaz created the House of Stix.  Both would provide vehicles for additional fundraising efforts on behalf of UCA. Reign IX came to a close with the production of Coronation X THAT’S ENTERTAINMENT:  A Celebration of the Arts, An Evening to Dream on August 16th in the ballroom of the Red Lion Hotel.  Official sponsors for Coronation X were Rainbow Cattle Company and the Stoli Corporation.

Lifetime Titles

Citizen for Life – Andy Redmond
Imperial Heart of the Dolphin for Life – Preston D. King
Imperial Heart and Son of the Dolphin for Life – Johnathan D. King


HMRIM Leigh:  Henceforth, reigning Emperors of the United Court of Austin shall wear a silver head crown with clear jewels in lieu of the customary shoulder crown provided by the court; said crown to be purchased at the expense of each newly elected Emperor, if, they so chose.



Reign X


The Reign of Xcellence, Xcitement, & Xpansion Where “X” Marks The Sopt!

Reign X began with the crowning of Emperor Gregg Dodson and Empress GiGi LaRouge.  In keeping with the traditions of excellence of The United Court of Austin, Reign X set out to expand the membership and expand the venues to conduct fundraisers.  We were very fortunate to have the support of many of the local bar establishments: ‘Bout Time, Charlie’s, Chain Drive, Dicks Déjà Disco, The Forum, The Rainbow Cattle Company, and Xtreme/Sidekicks; which allowed us the opportunity to fundraise and further our goals of helping our local community; and representing the International Court System.The Monarchs traveled the International Court System Circuit to a combined total of 29 Coronations. As Reign X traveled around the circuit, they were able to win best production numbers in Colorado Springs, Dallas, Houston, Corpus Christi, and San Antonio.On August 13, 2004, Emperor Gregg and Empress GiGi presented “Coronation XI – An Evening at the White House: A Royal Affair, Where American Bandstand Rocks the Kennedy’s.” The backdrop of the ballroom was a replica of the White House; ensuring all guests the feel they were actually in Washington DC for a formal State affair. The Coronation was very well attended; as 19 Courts from around the Country; as well as many local business and organizations were represented. Gregg and GiGi thanked the line members for their dedication to their community and named Jamie Coley as Best Male line member of the year; and  Cori Sansoucy as Best Female line member of the year.  The proceeds from Coronation XI were distributed to two beneficiaries: Project Transitions and The Wright House Wellness Center.

Lifetime Titles

Imperial Crown Prince for Life to Reign X – Angel A. Valero
Queen Mother for Life to Reign X – Diane Benjamin


HMRIM Gregg:  Sister Court for Life to the Royal Sovereign Imperial Court of The Texas Riviera Empire, Corpus Christi, Texas.
HMRIM GiGi:  To assemble a Proclamation Book of all past Proclamations given by Past Monarchs; and review the proclamations every two years to determine their continued validity, soundness, and legitimacy.


Reign XI


The Reign of Reverence, Honor & Compassion

Ten years of service as members of UCA certainly influenced the decision of the voters with their election of Robert Evanson and Infiniti St. James as monarchs of Reign XI.  During Investiture, Mel Mills was dubbed Imperial Crown Prince with Diane Benjamin as Imperial Crown Princess.  Their Majesties appointed Emperor IX Leigh Bray Rockhopper as King Father and Empress IX Topaz as Queen Mother. Reign XI brought about the resurrection of the fundraiser known as Chocolates for Charity which was created during Reign III by UCA members Ric Talbert, Topaz and Shayne James who would years later evolve as Infiniti St. James. Chocolates for Charity (C4C) is the longest ongoing project in the history of UCA.  The event concept is one of members donating home baked (or commercial) desserts which are then sold at a host bar once a month on the night of the host bar’s Steak Night.  Over the years C4C has generated in excess of $11,000.00 for Austin area charities. Emperor and Empress XI appointed Emperor X Gregg D and Empress X GiGi LaRouge as Coronation XII Coordinators who produced an outstanding event at the Red Lion Hotel.  Emperor III Bobby Barnett and Empress VI DeeDee Davis created and constructed a set beyond Robert or Infiniti’s imagination.  The set of A Night On Mount Olympus Where Superheroes Clash with the God’s revealed to a standing ovation from the audience at the beginning of Coronation XII.  Another first for UCA was Empress Infiniti’s Command Performance by the Empress’s of the College of Monarchs.  The Royal Sovereign and Imperial Court of the Central Texas Empire was awarded Best Court Production with Tina Tawdré being recognized as Reign XI Outstanding Female Line Member with Jamie Cooley as Outstanding Male Line Member.

Lifetime Titles

Imperial Brother of Leather and Lace to Emperor XI for Life – Bobby Birchmier
Imperial Prince Royal to Reign XI for Life – Rudy THE BRAT St. James


HMRIM Infiniti:  To personally produce an annual CHOCOLATES FOR CHARITY BALL with the proceeds from said event going to the Reigning Empress’s choice in conjunction with Empress XI Infiniti St. James.



Reign XII


The Regency Reign

Visiting courtiers and dignitaries witnessed the crowning of Talor Barin as the first solo elected Empress at the conclusion of Coronation XII held at the Red Lion Hotel on Saturday, August 13, 2005. There being no candidates for Emperor, the Board of Directors and the College of Monarchs jointly agreed to allow Empress Talor to reign as a sole Monarch for three months at which time they would address the possibility of appointing a Regent Emperor. At the Investiture XII, Empress Talor appointed Jamie Coley and Diane Benjamin to serve as her Imperial Crown Prince and Princess. Empress Talor committed the court to the weekly production of the ongoing event known as Chocolates for Charity; an event normally conducted on a monthly basis. In November, the Board of Directors decided to appoint a Regent Emperor to assist Empress Talor. After letters of interest were submitted, the Board chose past Emperor IX, Leigh Bray Rockhopper, to be installed as Regent Emperor XII during the Regent’s Investiture held at Charlie’s Club on November 26, 2005. His Majesty appointed Mel Mills as his Imperial Crown Prince to serve along side the ICP’s appointed by Empress Talor. Regent Emperor Leigh assumed responsibility for the weekly production of Chocolates for Charity which by the end of Reign XII generated in excess of $6,400.00 for local charities. In February 2006 a motion was brought to the General Membership from the Board of Directors for removal of Empress Talor. The motion carried and The Board of Directors requested Letters of Interest for a Regent Empress, resulting in Empress IX Topaz being appointed as Regent Empress XII. The new Regency Reign decided to forgo any new investitures; instead, focusing on moving the Reign forward. The theme of Coronation XIII became: IT’S ALL ABOUT THE SOUNDTRACKS, Let the Music of the Movies, BLOW OUR MINDS. Coronation XIII was held at The Woodward Hotel; which proved to be a tremendous asset in the production of Coronation. Visiting courtiers enjoyed our poolside Hospitality Suite which was solely for the use of our guests. Coronation Set Designers Emperor Bobby Barnett and Empress Dee Dee Davis received a standing ovation with the “Reveal” of the set with our stepping down Regent’s standing before their thrones at the opening of Coronation XIII. The male line member for Reign 12 was Buddy Allen and the female line member for Reign 12 was Saffire Trinity-Barin. The Regents of Reign XII were elevated to full monarch status in a recrowning ceremony during Coronation. Their Majesties shall be known as Emperor IX and XII Leigh Bray Rockhopper and Empress IX and XII Topaz.

Lifetime Titles

Sister for Life to Emperor XII – Crystal Rae Lee Love
Sister for Life to Empress XII – Anne Budd


HMRIM Leigh:  that with approval of the Board of Directors the monarchs of each reign would appoint a committee to insure a UCA presence in the annual Austin Pride Parade.



Reign XIII


Back to the Basics: The Reign Fundamentals The ABC’s of Fundraising Angel | Bianca | Community 

At the end of Coronation XIII visiting dignitaries witnessed the crowning of Empress XIII Bianca Fairchild and Regent Emperor XIII Angel, marking a history making event for the United Court of Austin. Being there were no candidates for Emperor, the Board of Directors appointed a Regent. This was the first time in UCA history a Regent was crowned at the same time as the duly elected Monarch. At Investitures the monarchs appointed Jake Dean Stone as Imperial Crown Prince and Simone Riviera as Imperial Crown Princess. Regent Emperor Angel, Empress Bianca and all of Reign XIII were off to a fast start with several fundraisers. Keeping the momentum going of raising money for their community, with support from Charlie’s, Chain Drive and ‘Bout Time, the UCA continued with the weekly Chocolates for Charity as well as monthly cookouts at Chain Drive and several other shows and events. Angel and Bianca were very grateful and fortunate to have a very active line of succession as well as a very active College of Monarchs. Especially one monarch in particular, Empress Mona littleMore who has either produced or co-produced events that generated in excess of 7,000 dollars for the Austin community. The Monarchs represented Austin in a total of 18 coronations nationwide within the International Court System winning “Best State Walk” in both Corpus Christi and San Antonio respectively. On August 11, 2007 Angel and Bianca saw the fruits of their labor at CORONATION XIV: “An Evening at the USO — Where the Soldier Meets the Geisha: A Salute to War-time Glam.” From the beautiful dais done by Emperor Bobby Barnett and Empress DeeDee Davis to the wonderful production numbers and other entertainment, Coronation XIV was a hit with 20 visiting courts from the International Court System in attendance along with numerous representatives from our local charities. Angel and Bianca thanked their line for all their hard work and recognized Crown Prince Royale Dr. Earle Lewis as Male Line Member of the year and Crown Princess Royale Rachael St. James as Female Line Member of the Year. Angel and Bianca were inducted into the College of Monarchs. Also, Regent Emperor Angel was elevated to full Monarch status and His Majesty shall be known as Emperor XIII Angel.

Lifetime Titles

Imperial Brother to Emperor XIII for Life – Miguel A. Navarro-Garcia
Princess Royale to Reign XIII for Life – Elka


HMRIM Angel: Creation of the UCA PR Committee.
HMRIM Bianca: Designation of annual Drag Idol funds to facilitate UCA presence in the annual Austin Pride Parade.



Reign XIV


The Reign of Fairytale Beginnings & Futuristic Dreams

Imperial Crown Prince and Princess XIII Jake Dean Stone and lifemate Simone Jewel Riviera ascended the thrones of Emperor and Empress XIV ushering in a reign of hope and adventure. Witnessed by the United Courts of Texas and the Austin community Their Majesties invested Earle Lewis and Rachael St. James as Imperial Crown Prince and Princess as well as their reign line members. Jake and Simone were tireless in their efforts to reach out to the community by encouraging area organizations to participate in joint fundraising efforts. Emperor Jake and the male line’s monthly cookouts at the Chain Drive where relations with the Central Texas boys of Leather, Lone Star Leathermen and the H.O.T. Bears grew strong; their combined efforts proved most beneficial. New relations were formed with organizations such as: Kings N Things, TGRA and OutYouth. Jake and Simone continued their outreach opening and renewing relations with Austin bars such as: Charlie’s Austin, ‘Bout Time, Rainbow Cattle Company, Rain, Chain Drive and the Cock Pit (formerly known as Dick’s De Ja Vue) a long time favorite birthday spot for Jake and Simone. Emperor Jake and Empress Simone were delighted to receive their first invitation to be Command Performers as a duet. Their Majesties were present for the historic Adornment of the Barony of Oklahoma. Their popularity on the international court coronation circuit was obvious by the presence of in and out of state courtiers at Night of the Living Dolls, A Celebration at Studio 54 headlined by the presence of Jake’s biological Dad, Tinker Downing, and Mama Jose` herself! Mama had such a good time celebrating Jake and Simone’s stepping down she extended her stay for a week as guest of Emperor Bobby Barnett and Empress DeeDee Davis. Jake and Simone continue to share their “futuristic dreams” of a better tomorrow for everyone.

Lifetime Titles

King Father for Life to Reign XIV Gregg D
Queen Mother for Life to Reign XIV Gigi LaRouge


HMRIM Jake: Creation of the Michael Gutierez Friendship Award.
HMRIM Simone: An Empress may walk without being in their female persona with prior approval.


Reign XV


The Reign of New Beginnings, New Dreams & New Futures

Reign XV, being dubbed The Reign of New Beginnings, New Dreams & New Futures, named so to represent the reign’s absolute monarch, commenced with the crowning of Her Majesty Jaycie Beringer Empress XV.Her Majesty’s platform was to promote unity within the community, its venues and her charities. In addition, Her Majesty and the members set a goal of raising $10,000.00 via the weekly fundraiser known as Chocolates for Charity (C4C).Empress Jaycie met these challenges head on by personally working with the leaders and staff of the local venues as well as the charities supported by UCA. Through these efforts she strengthened working relationships, personal commitments and the focus of the Court and its supporters. Reign XV exceeded its goal of $10,000.00 at C4C and set a new standard for the reigns to follow. 

On August 15, 2009, Absolute Empress XV presented Coronation XVI “Forever Young, A Regal Victorian Vampire’s Ball….Take a bite out of Time” as the culmination to her year of benevolent deeds.  Coronation XVI attracted dignitaries from 22 plus chapters of the Imperial Court System such as Vancouver, Regina, Toronto, San Francisco, Las Vegas, and San Jose just to name a few, as well as dignitaries from local businesses and organizations such as the Austin Chronicle, Capitol Chevrolet, the City of Austin Chief of Police and the City of Austin Fire Chief.  Her Majesty would like to thank, Eric Beringer, her outstanding male line member of the year and Rona Bare-It, her outstanding female line member of the year as well as Rudy “The Brat” Rodriguez Imperial Crown Prince and Rona Bare-It, Imperial Crown Princess, the active College of Monarchs led by Empress IX and XII Topaz, as well as the line of succession for their countless hours of hard work and dedication. Together reign XV raised over $45,000.00 for its local charities.

Lifetime Titles

Imperial Crown Prince for Life to Reign XV – Eric Beringer


As a small token of gratitude for their annual commitment to raise monies for the United Court of Austin’s promotional fund, Emperor Frankie and Empress Jackie Best of San Jose were bestowed lifetime complimentary tickets to all future coronation weekend events.



Reign XVI


The Reign of Caring, Concern & Compassion

The theme of Reign XVI was chosen to emphasize the Court’s devotion to the community of Austin. Reign XVI began with the crowning of Empress Rona Bare-it and Regent Emperor Eric Beringer. The Board of Directors elected and appointed Regent Emperor Eric Beringer. Eric accepted the appointment and committed himself to serving the Court and community. Little did the new Monarchs know what a daunting task they had ahead of them. The goal of Reign XVI was to continue and build on all the hard work by the previous Reigns, as there were some high standards and impressive bench marks achieved. In an effort to expand the Court and involve a more diversified membership, Reign XVI was fortunate to have several straight individuals join the Court, including Suzanne (SuXanax), and Janet, both single mothers. SuXanax and Janet were appointed to the female line. SuXanax was invested as Imperial Crown Princess, and Janet as Princess Royale. Their dedication and hard work were inspiring; raising children on their own and finding time to help the community. Shortly after Investiture, on October 10, 2009, the Court lost the founding Empress of the Austin Court System, Mona littleMore, a.k.a Marc Alexander. Mona was Empress Rona Bare-it’s love and life partner for over 37 years. Dowager Empress XV Jaycie Beringer and Regent Emperor Eric Beringer stepped up to provide even more support and comfort to Empress Rona with this tremendous loss. Even with the tragic loss of her partner, Empress Rona Bare-it, along with the tireless efforts of Dowager Empress Jaycie Beringer and Regent Emperor Eric Beringer, Reign XVI was the success Mona had hoped it could be.  While not all the records set by previous Reigns were broken, many were matched and some were even surpassed. With the help of the Court and local businesses, Reign XVI raised over $40.000 to help the Austin community. Reign XVI also established a college scholarship program, The Mona littleMore Memorial Scholarship, to help further higher education goals of Texas GLBT youth. 

On August 28, 2010 The United Court of Austin presented Coronation XVII, A Sweet 16 Ball, Legends of the Jukebox, Let’s Rock and Roll. Empress Rona Bare-it and Regent Emperor Eric Beringer give special thanks to Emperor Bobby Barnett and Empress Dee Dee Davis for their talents and hard work designing and building a fabulous Diner Set. Her Majesty Rona would like to thank her line, and the outstanding female line member of the year SuXanax. His Majesty Eric would like to thank Empress XV Jaycie Beringer for her love and support to Reign XVI. Eric also like to thank his Imperial Crown Prince Rudy Rohan for devotion and dedication to Reign XVI.

Lifetime Titles

HMIM Rona: Crown Princess for Life Janet Tate


HMIMRona – The Mona littleMore Memorial Scholarship
HMIM Eric – Step down Pins may include mementos, keepsakes, tokens, or pins.



Reign XVII



At the end of Coronation XVII, the ICS and the Austin Community witnessed the crowning of Empress XVII Bianca Fairchild and Regent Emperor XVII Bobby Barnett. At Investitures, their Majesties named Carlotta Silkstone and Shayne James as Imperial Crown Princess and Imperial Crown Prince. The reign was off to a fast start with a cabaret show at El Sol y La Luna. There were several monthly big cabaret shows along with numerous themed shows and the reign also kept up with the tradition of weekly Chocolates for Charities.  Their Majesties traveled throughout Texas and several out of state coronations including Oklahoma, Modesto, Nebraska and Las Vegas. The year ended with a bang with Coronation XVIII – An Evening at the Cabaret- Welcome to a Burlesque – A Black Tie Affair. The ballroom was set as an elaborate cabaret and the Dias was set as a stage showcasing hot talent from The Capitol City Showgirls performing the opening number with the UCA membership and several entertainers performing illusions of Cher, Diana Ross and Dolly Parton.  Both Majesties returned to the College of Monarchs and were inducted as Empress XIII & XVII Bianca Fairchild and Emperor III & XVII Bobby Barnett.

Lifetime Titles








The Reign of Growth, Hope & Charity

Once back on our feet and ready to go again, five members of the originWith no qualified candidates available to run for the office of Emperor and Empress, Emperor VII, Bobby Birchmier and Empress VI, Dee Dee Davis volunteered to take the lead and reign as the Regent Monarchs for Reign XVIII. During Investiture, Anastasia Fabre Davis was bestowed the title of Imperial Crown Princess. Their Majesties appointed Emperor Eric Beringer as King Father and Empress Jaycie Beringer as Queen Mother. Reign XVIII started with many hurdles. Two of our primary performance venues had recently closed and we desperately sought to find new locations to conduct the fundraising events. Regent Emperor and Empress XVIII appointed ICP Anastasia Fabre Davis and Clay Davis as Coronation XIX Coordinators who produced an outstanding event at the Airport Hilton Hotel. Empress Dee Dee Davis and ICP Anastasia Fabre Davis created and constructed a set based upon the theme with portraits of the Glee characters and giant pompoms and mega phones. The opening production number featured the United Court of Austin performing to Lady GaGa’s Born this Way and was greeted with a large applause from the audience at the beginning of Coronation XIX. The Empire of the Royal Sovereign and Imperial Court of the Single Star (Houston) was awarded Best Court Production with Anastasia Fabre Davis being recognized as Reign XVIII Outstanding Female Line Member and DP Throats as Outstanding Male Line Member.

Lifetime Titles

Imperial Crown Princess to Reign XVIII for Life – Anastasia Fabre Davis

Brother for Life to Emperor XVIII, Bobby Birchmier – Emperor Kathy Scott


HMRIM Dee Dee: From this date forward, the current Reigning Empress may wear any crown of her choice. The Empress will be solely responsible for purchasing the crown with no costs accrued by the United Court of Austin.

HMRIM Bobby: Emperor Bobby Birchmier will award the Big Brother Award each year at Coronation.


Reign XIX



Reign XIX began in August 2012 with the crowning of the three time elected Monarch, Emperor Chad Fairchild, and first time elected Monarch, Empress Kari Hardwood. Reign XIX faced many hurdles and difficulties as one bar after another closed their doors during the year. The line members, COM and the Monarchs were very busy throughout the year finding venues in which to hold our events. Reign XIX brought a unity to the community that had long been missing. Through the production of shows and Chocolates for Charity, Reign XIX raised much needed money for Project Transitions, Wright House Wellness Center and the community. The visibility of the UCA was bolstered within the State of Texas and throughout the International Court System by attending many various Coronations and events to help out other courts in the system. Both monarchs traveled to out of state events including Denver, San Francisco, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, not to mention all over the state of Texas to events for the United Courts of Texas. Emperor Chad and Empress Kari were both very visible by producing and performing in numerous shows throughout the year. During Reign XIX, the line members worked extremely hard to make the year the best it could be despite the set-backs it faced. Reign XIX came to a close with

Coronation XX, “Let’s Get Wicked! A Stop off on Broadway on the Way Back to Oz.” With representation from all over the country attending, Coronation XX was an event enjoyed by all! With Broadway inspired table decorations and a Wizard of Oz backdrop, it was an affair fit for a king…or wizard. Emperor Chad and Empress Kari thanked the line members for their dedication to their community and named JJ Walsh as Best Male line member of the year; and Pannica Tack as Best Female line member of the year. The proceeds from Coronation XX were distributed to two beneficiaries: Project Transitions and The Wright House Wellness Center.

Lifetime Titles

ICP for Life to Reign XIX – Imperial Crown Prince JJ Walsh
Sister for Life to Empress XIX – Empress 40 of All Alaska Ashley Summers-Dawn


HMIM Chad:  All show beneficiaries will be UCA charities until $5,000 or
February has been reached, whichever comes first.
HIIM Kari:   All UCA line members will receive participation points at
shows held out of realm if they assist or perform, the same as they would for in realm shows.

HMRIM Jackie: All UCA past Monarchs still active and in good standing will gain free admission to Austin’s Coronation.


Reign XX


The Reign of Xpansion, Innovation & X-Rated Shots

Reign XX began in August 2013 with the crowning of Empress Anastasia Fabre Davis, who reigned as a sole Monarch. Empress Anastasia bestowed the title of Imperial Crown Prince to Hartdeaux Tack and the title of Imperial Crown Princess to Pannica Tack. Reign XX continued the fundraising efforts of the previous 19 years by producing stellar shows, chocolates for charity events and working with community partners such as The Wright House Wellness Center, Project Transitions, and OutYouth. On August 8, 2014, The United Court of Austin put on Coronation XXI–A Night of Hunger Games in the Capitol’s Imperial Garden, at the Hilton Airport Austin. During Coronation, the College of Monarchs welcomed Empress Anastasia into the College and was named Absolute Empress Anastasia Fabre Davis; as she had successfully completed her Reign as a sole Monarch. Also, during Coronation festivities, ICP Hartdeaux Tack was named Best Male Line Member of the Year, ICP Pannica Tack was named Best Female Line Member of the Year. 

Lifetime Titles

Prince Consort for Life to HMIM Anastasia – Clay Davis




Reign XXI



Reign XXI began with the election and crowning of Emperor Hardeaux Tack and the unanimous election and crowning of Empress Pannica Tack, the youngest elected Empress of Austin at 27 years old. In keeping with the traditions of excellence of The United Court of Austin, Reign XXI set out to expand the membership and expand the venues in which to conduct fundraisers. We were very fortunate to have the support of many of the local bar establishments: ‘Bout Time II, Oil Can Harry’s, Rain on 4th, Iron Bear, Haven, Chain Drive, and Highland Lounge; which allowed us the opportunity to fundraise and further our goals of helping our local community; and representing the International Court System.  Additionally, Reign XXI worked with local businesses like Skivvies, Alamo Drafthouse and multiple restaurants to expand the visibility and community outreach of the United Court of Austin. The Monarchs traveled the International Court System Circuit to a combined total of 13 Coronations.

On August 8, 2015, Emperor Hardeaux and Empress Pannica presented “Coronation XXII – Haute Couture: A Fashion Forward Affair.” The backdrop of the ballroom was a simple black backdrop with elegant crystal chandelier lighting, to highlight the couture presented by their Majesties and their guests. The Coronation was attended at capacity; as Courts from around the Country; as well as many local business and organizations were represented. Hardeaux and Pannica thanked the line members for their dedication to their community and named Evan Inell as Best Male line member of the year; and Jaydis Codean as Best Female line member of the year. The proceeds from Coronation XXII were distributed to two beneficiaries: Project Transitions and The Wright House Wellness Center. Reign XXI increased funds raised by over 30% over the previous Reign and more than doubled membership.

Lifetime Titles

Crown Princess Royale for Life to Reign XXI – Faetalah Tack
Brother for Life to Reign XXI – Daniel Morgan-Russell


HMRIM Pannica: Members who attends a rehearsal for a production number produced by The United Court of Austin and participates in said production number shall receive one point.
HMRIM Hardeaux: To make the Monarchs of the United Court of Austin voting members of the Board of Directors.





The Reign of Unity Beauty & Love

Reign XXIII began in August 2016 with the crowning of the 3rd sole Monarch, Empress XXIII Jaydis Codean. The line members, College of Monarchs and Empress Jaydis were very busy throughout the year. Reign XXIII brought unity and passion to the community, producing shows, underwear auctions, and Chocolates for Charity. Reign XXIII raised much needed money for Project Transitions, Wright House Wellness Center and Out Youth. The UCA was promoted in the Austin Pride Parade with two floats. We raised our visibility within the State of Texas and throughout the International Court System by attending many Coronations and events. Empress Jaydis traveled to out of state events including Las Vegas, San Francisco and Oklahoma, not to mention all over the state to events for the United Courts of Texas! Reign XXIII also had representation in New Mexico and Phoenix for their coronations. Empress Jaydis was very visible by producing several events and performing in most of the UCA shows. She was also the driving force behind the UCA producing shows at Bout Time 2. During Reign XXIII, the line members worked tirelessly to make the year the best it could be! Reign XXIII brought out some great additions to the UCA. Reign XXIII came to a close with Coronation XXIV, “A Masquerade at the Moulin Rouge!.” The line members took on making the center pieces for the tables and a beautiful backdrop for Empress Jaydis. Two members personally took on hospitality and presented the UCA and all of our guests with a full French menu! The night was full of laughs, tears, love and acceptance. Empress Jaydis’ parents were in attendance and even escorted her into the ball room for the final set. The entertainment for Coronation XXIV was phenomenal! Performers from Dallas, San Antonio and Las Vegas all wowed the crowd, not to mention the fabulous opening production number from the UCA! Jaydis and the UCA were very glad to have such an amazing attendance for Coronation XXIV! Jaydis, as per our ByLaws, was able to be recrowned as Absolute Empress XXIII! Reigning as a sole monarch is very tough and Jaydis reigned with dignity, respect and passion for the UCA.

Lifetime Titles

Sister for Life to Reign XXIII- Empress XLII of The Single Star Empire, Dallas, TX. Danielle Starr


Sister Court- The Royal Sovereign Imperial Court of The Central Texas Empire, Waco TX.


Reign XXIV


The 24 Karat Gold Reign of Glamour and Glitter, Fashion and Fame

Emperor and Empress XIV Jake Dean Stone and Simone Jewel Riviera ascended to the throne of Regent Emperor and Regent Empress XXIV. Now married in the real world, they Reigned as Regent Emperor Jake Riviera-St. Stone and Regent Empress Simone Riviera-St. Stone. As with most Regents, they came answering the call during a time of need for the court, ushering in a resurgence of focus on the needs of the local Austin community and the needs of the United Court of Austin. Witnessed by the United Courts of Texas, and the Austin community, their Majesty’s invested Timothy Rollin’ Stone and Anita Nother as Imperial Crown Prince and Princess as well as their reign line members. Jake and Simone were tireless in their efforts to reach out to the community by encouraging area organizations to participate in joint fundraising efforts. Simone’s annual underwear and swimsuit auction, held at the Iron Bear, renewed relationships with Austin’s TGRA chapter and their combined efforts prove to be most beneficial. Jake and Simone continued their outreach opening and renewing relationships with Austin bars such as OCH, ‘Bout Time 2, Rain on 4th, the Iron Bear and the new Sellers Underground as well as Stonewall Warehouse in San Marcus, Texas. As this was also their Majesty‘s 10 year anniversary to Reign XIV, they enjoyed renewed relationships with those they had reigned with 10 years previously and their popularity on the international court coronation circuit was obvious. The presence of in and out of state courtiers at Coronation 25 – The Silver Jubilee of Glamor and Glitter, Fashion and Fame, The Truly Outrageous Music Awards, Welcome back to the 80’s! Their step-down was headlined by the presence of Simone’s biological mother Rose Johnson and sister Candy Hawkins. Also in attendance was Jake’s cousin Dave Downing who also attended their step-down 10 years earlier. Renewing relationships within the Austin community and mentoring the membership of the United Court of Austin was a proud endeavor for Jake and Simone. And performing as Jem and Rio from Jem and the Holograms (a favorite cartoon from their childhood) was simply a dream come true for them both.

Lifetime Titles

Czarina for Life – Saffire T. Stone





Reign XXV



Reign XXV began in August 2018 with the crowning of Emperor Timothy Rolling Stone & Empress Hexa Dulce. Emperor Timothy bestowed the title of Imperial Crown Prince to Evan Inell, and Empress Hexa bestowed the title of Imperial Crown Princess to Anita Nother. Reign XXV continued the fundraising efforts of the previous 24 years by producing shows, selling jello-shots, and working with community partners such as Ashwell and Project Transitions. On August 10, 2019, The United Court of Austin put on Coronation XXVI–A Night of Rock & Bass, Leather & Lace at the Holiday Inn Midtown Austin.  During Coronation, the College of Monarchs welcomed Emperor Timothy & Empress Hexa into the College. Also, during Coronation festivities, Prince Consort Alec Comes, was named Best Male Line Member of the Year, & Princess Christina Lee Fontaine, was named Best Female Line Member of the Year.  The year concluded with the crowning of Empress XXVI, Anita Nother.

Lifetime Titles





Reign XXVI


The Reign of Passion & Perseverance

Reign XXVI began in Augus 2019 with the crowing of Empress Anita Nother.  She is the 4th monarch in UCA history to step up alone.  The reign started off great with 3 standing events.  Our home bars of Seller’s, OilCan Harry’s and Iron Bear were fully engaged and fundraising was great.  The line member, College of Monarchs and Empress Anita we off to an amazing reign.  Then on March 14, 2020, only 7 months into the reign, COVID-19 essentially shut everything down.  Empress Anita and the UCA quickly pivoted and began fundraising via virtual shows and auctions.  The trend caught on throughout Texas and the ICS.  UCA learned how to succeed in this new norm, while many courts did not.  UCA decided to forego Coronation in 2020, and UCA asked Empress Anita to stay on one more year.  When the world opened up in 2021, Empress Anita and UCA pivoted back to in-person events and traveling.  Empress Anita traveled to Florida, Kentucky, San Francisco, Idaho, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. Reign XXVI came to a close in August 2021 with Coronation XXVII, “Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler – An Evening on Bourbon Street”.  The ballroom was brought to life with the UCA line and a live jazz band.  This was the first full-fledged coronation in Texas in 2 years.  The ballroom was packed. Empress Anita Nother was re-crowned Absolute Empress XXVI and she stepped down as the longest reigning monarch in Austin history.  Following Coronation, Absolute Empress Anita was able to announce that through the strength, resilience, and spirit of it’s members, the UCA set a record fundraising amount of $118,000.

Lifetime Titles

Ralph Farinella – Honorary Texan for Life to Reign XXVI


Each year during Coronation weekend, 1 command performance will be auctioned off by the UCA, and is to be performed during the Coronation Ball during the same Coronation weekend.  All funds raised for the auction performance will be distributed for the charities chosen by the stepping down monarch(s).




The Reign of Unity & Pride

Reign XXVII began in August 2021 with the crowing of Emperor Evan Inell & Empress Tasha Simmone Starr. 

Lifetime Titles

Guardian to Her Majesty to Reign 27 – Lady D
Gaming Sister to Her Majesty to Reign 27 – Ivanna Cupcake

King Father for Life to his Majesty Evan Inell – Royce Wood




New Tab

New Tab

Reign XXII



Reign XXII began in August 2015 with the crowning of Emperor Ashton B. Stone and Empress Anise Monroe. The Monarchs worked hard to build their line of succession and travel the court circuit raising funds for numerous charities. Emperor Ashton appointed the title of Imperial Crown Prince to Tommy Arbizu. In May 2016, Empress Anise resigned from the Court and relinquished all titles bestowed. Emperor Ashton and The United Court of Austin moved forward to produce Coronation 23: A Night of Prohibition at the Swingin’ Speakeasy on August 9, 2016. Emperor Ashton named Best Male Line Member for Reign 22 to Timothy Rollin Stone and Best Female Line Member for Reign 22 to Jaydis Codean.

Lifetime Titles






Reign VI


The Reign of Dedication, Love & Unity

Reign VI began with the crowning of Emperor David Pearson & Empress Dee Dee Davis.  From their step-up David and Dee Dee wanted their Reign to be different from any other, one that included all court members in the fundraising process.  The idea was to concentrate on one large fundraising event each month, instead of lots of small ones each week.  With the one event, we were able to incorporate the many talents of our line members and College of Monarchs, from large production numbers that everyone could be in, to being a host/hostess seating our guests, to helping in the building of sets, and the preparation of the food buffets. The events were a huge success, and Austin received recognition throughout the State of Texas.  These shows would not have been possible without the support of our Home Bar – Dicks Déjà Disco.  The owners, management, and staff of Dicks were extremely supportive. They allowed us to rehearse every weekend, they gave us a budget for our set expense every month to help with the costs (allowing us to give back more to our community), they allowed us to set up our stage a week in advance so that patrons would see it and be curious as to what was coming up, they prepared all of the food for our buffets, they placed full page color ads for the shows, they rented tables and chairs so that our guests could sit and enjoy the show, they even provided a wait staff!We only wish that all of our Brother and Sister Courts in the Circuit could experience this level of support.Our line members were amazing through the entire year.  As stated before we rehearsed almost every weekend.  The shows were usually on Monday nights, and the fact that we all worked so closely together for such long periods of time shows just how United this Court truly is.  This could also be witnessed at any one of the numerous Club Skirt events, during which Reign VI worked diligently helping in any way that we could.  Club Skirt is an organization of women from our Community that have a large social event each month to raise money for various charities.  We usually helped with bartending the events, and then break down and cleanup of the functions to wrap up the evening.  This tradition still carries to this day.  Even though it is a lot of work, it is a social gathering time for a lot of us also – time away from rehearsals, sets, and meetings, allowing us to have fun and help out our sisters.  If you get a chance to go to a Club Skirt event, great food, beer, wine, music and wonderful people make for an evening to remember.Reign VI ended with Coronation VII, “A Twisted Texas Ho-Down,” another of the largest and most successful Coronations in Austin than ever before.  David and Dee Dee will forever be grateful to The United Court of Austin and our community for all of the hard work, which allowed us to raise the most money raised in one year within the Austin Court than ever before.

Lifetime Titles



HMRIM DeeDee: Excluding Austin’s own Coronation, The Past Monarchs of the United Court of Austin are free to wear whatever crown they chose. This proclamation does not affect the current tradition with regards to Austin’s Coronation, nor with the current tradition of regards to the Reigning Monarchs. It is also noted that this proclamation does not override the Proclamation set forth by Emperor 1 Colton Courville which stated that all past Emperors will wear head crowns when they walk at all In-State Coronations.  As the tradition stands on this date, the State Crown is to be worn at Austin’s Coronation by all Monarchs of the United Court of Austin. Also, the Reigning Monarchs, by the tradition as it stands on this date, may only wear the State Crowns.





Revised, Remixed, Revisited

Reign XXVIII was a year of growth and community building for The United Court of Austin.  It began with the history-making crowning of the first Emprex in Texas, Ffire Stone, and the re-crowning of formerly removed Empress Talor Brooks-Stone.  They set a goal of bringing the court forward while keeping traditions alive. Their different style of Investiture set the tone for the year as the first ticketed investiture event Austin had hosted, and they successfully expanded the court’s reach beyond the Austin City Limits. The Empress and Emprex participated in many events beyond just those hosted by the United Court of Austin which contributed to raising over $110,000 for charitable organizations within the realm of The United Court of Austin during their reign. They also built many relationships with dignitaries outside the court’s realm, traveling to over 14 coronations during their single year.  Reign 28 raised over $68000, the second-largest reign total for a single year to date.

The reign finale, “Coronation XXIX – A Night at Cinderella’s Castle Where Wonders, Magic, and Dreams Come Alive” was held on August 12,2023 with a record breaking 36 court chapters represented.  At Coronation XXIX, Ffire was Recrowned and Dubbed Emprex XXVIII Ffire Stone the 1st, while Talor was Recrowned as Elected Empress XII and Empress XXVIII. 

Lifetime Titles

Talor:  Imperial Prince for Life – Rick Hall 

HMIM Ffire:  Imperial Princess Consort for Life – Galore St. Stone 

 Sibling Court and Protector of the Emprex for Life – Imperial Sovereign Queen City Court of the Buckeye Empire – Ohio


Talor:  Talor will provide a state shield crown to all future reigning Empresses and Emprexes; however, Empresses and Emprexes may wear any silver crown with clear stones. 



Reign XXIX


Building Hope through LIGHT and LOVE with the PERSERVERANCE to overcome the darkness and hate

Information Coming Soon

Lifetime Titles

Not Yet Named


Not Yet Announced



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United Court of Austin
P.O. BOX 2567
Austin TX 78768

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